week 17 + 18 recap

How far along? I am now 19 weeks.

How big is the baby?  At 17 weeks our baby was the size of an onion and at week 18 he/she was the size of a sweet potato.

Sleep: Has been better since I have been getting used to sleeping on my side but have been interrupted with bathroom breaks.

Best moment this week: Started shopping for maternity clothes.

Movement: It has been on and off but mostly around 9am.

Food cravings: Chocolate Milk :)

Gender: Not yet... In 2 weeks will know!!!

Labor Signs:  None

Pregnancy Symptoms:  I can now start seeing my belly grow. Its been really settle but according to books/articles/apps my belly will start growing faster now.

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Nothing

What I am looking forward to: Knowing the gender of our baby

Upcoming appointments/events:  April 11!!

Milestones: I can't really think of one for this week.



week 19


week 16 . cream soda + imo's please