Brandon Brinkley Brandon Brinkley

week 16 . cream soda + imo's please


Well this week I have been feeling the same as last week with one change, my craving, this week has been chocolate milk, but everything else is pretty much the same as the last week, so Brandon decided to fill out the Q&A below are is his response... Enjoy :)



How far along?  we are 16 weeks

How big is the baby?  The baby is the size of an avocado

Sleep: Meh...busy work week with production and all. Our dog Dora has been waking up randomly at 2am and 3am barking for no reason..that hasn't been very fun

Best moment this week: All of it!

Movement:  Ileana said she felt the baby move but I didn't feel anything. I believe her though. I feel that way after having Mexican food.

Food cravings: Vess Cream Soda, and Imo's Pizza. I miss St. Louis.

Gender: We should know next appointment, 2nd week in April. In the meantime, say it with me...BOY....BOY...BOY...BOY!!

Labor Signs:  I'm already showing signs of antsiness

Pregnancy Symptoms:  She has been feeling restless lately

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Vess Cream soda and Imo's Pizza

What I am looking forward to: ...going back to St. Louis for a nice smooth Vess Cream soda and steaming hot pie of meat lovers with extra cheese from Imo's

Upcoming appointments/events:  Next appointment we will be able to know the gender, really excited for that

Milestones: I finished all client work and was able to finish my annual video reel, check it out!


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Ileana Ileana

week 15 . mmm bread


Now that we have this blog, I thought I’d join in on the questionnaire fun that I've seen blogging expected mothers do. Every Thursday I get to celebrate another week, today I celebrate 16 weeks, and with that here is week 15's recap.

How far along? I am 15 weeks.

How big is the baby?  The baby is the size of a navel orange.

Sleep: Started having problems sleeping this week, between waking up 2-3 times to use the bathroom, I am waking up with a numb arm since I cant no longer sleep the way I used to. They say sleeping on your left is the best way, so I have been trying that this week and because of that I wake up with a numb left arm.

Best moment this week: To have released the news that we are pregnant with everyone. We had decided to keep it a secret for the 1st trimester because of the risk of having a miscarriage and also to be able to soak it all in. I am glad we waited.

Movement:  None

Food cravings: Bread... eekk!

Gender: Not yet...

Labor Signs:  None

Pregnancy Symptoms:  Minor abdominal pain.

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Sleep :) and I guess I will be saying that for the next 20 years... lol

What I am looking forward to: Knowing the gender of our baby :)

Upcoming appointments/events:  Next appointment we will be able to know the gender, really excited for that. 

Milestones: Does telling everyone count?


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Ileana Ileana

Big Announcement


"I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2A


Back in December one of our friends from college and bride of one of the weddings we covered back in 2012, Crystal had tweeted this: ​


​It was then that I realized that I was "late". Because of her dream we decided to take a pregnancy test and well.... We have some exciting news to share with you all. The Brinkley's are officially expecting!!


I currently am 14 weeks pregnant and we due by the end of the August. We couldn't be more excited! So far, the baby is as healthy as he/she can be and I have been blessed with no morning sickness [so far]. However, this week has been the exception. Aside from visual cravings (see food and then want to eat it lol), all I want to do is sleep. So hopefully by next week my energy levels will be back to normal.
Please keep Brandon and I in your prayers as we embark on this new journey. We can get a bit anxious as to what the future will hold but we are beyond thrilled for this new blessing. 

The main reason we started this blog was to [you], all our family & friends updated throughout our pregnancy. With that being said, please keep us accountable if we take to long to post our updates---we tend to slack when it comes to blogging ;)

Thank you for reading and for coming along on this baby journey with us! And with that, we leave you with a sonogram picture of our beautiful baby!


With love,
Ileana + Brandon

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