Update, Recap week 23-24 & Glucose Test


Well, the Brinkley's are moving, again, lol! I think we've become an expert on moving and just for this reason I have been documenting this whole move and will be posting a blog just about packing and how to handle a move while pregnant and I may include some cute checklists as PDF's for you'll to download.

With that being said, please pray for us. Moving can be quite stressful but moving and pregnant...now that is a whole 'nother thing! You cant pack like you use to...being pregnant and all. On top of getting tired quicker than normal, my hands start swelling when I stand for a long period of time. But on the bright side, my belly is not that big yet, so I can still move up and down with little to no difficulty. I have been very grateful for that!

As for the update on #babydash, he is one healthy baby. So far he has been moving a lot more and the kicks are getting stronger as the days goes by. This experience is definitely one that I can not take for granted. Very grateful that I get to experience it all of this! We have finally picked his name and will be reveling it next week!!


This past Thursday, I had the glucose test done. Thank God that is over. I was really intrigued on what the juice was going to taste like. It actually wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I got the orange flavor bottle and it tasted like orange soda gone bad. Ha! I had 3 minutes to take it and had 2 nurses looking at me the entire time....a bit awkward. After an hour of waiting, the nurse drew blood and that was it, not bad at all. If there's any abnormalities with my results, they will give me a call to take another test; but this time for 3 hours instead of 1. If all is well then I will not get a call and we are good to go. Let's pray I don't get that call.

How far along?

How big is the baby?  Week 23 he was the size of a Grapefruit and at week 24 he was the size of Cantaloupe

Sleep: I can finally say that I am getting used to sleeping on my side, all though I still wake up in the middle of the night with a numb arm

Best moment this week: Feeling #babydash move more

Movement:  Its more consistent

Food cravings: Still Chocolate Milk and Cheese 

Gender: Still a Boy!!!

Labor Signs:  None

Pregnancy Symptoms:  When I walk for long periods of times my hands start swelling.

Belly Button in or out? In

25 weeks, but we are recaping 23 & 24

What I miss: Nothing

What I am looking forward to: Seeing our baby boy next week through the sonogram.

Upcoming appointments/events:  Next appointment is to check on his spine since last time the technician could not get a good measurement due to the way he was positioned.

Milestones: Glucose test done!


Recap Week 30


week 22