Recap Week 30
This past week was one of a lot of changes. One, we made it to week 30, our baby boy is growing and healthy and I thank God for that. Second, as Brandon announced last week through IBcreates blog, he was offered a job in St. Louis and we decided this was the best step for our family at this time. Brandon and our dog Dora left to St. Louis on Sunday and made it safely to St. Louis on Monday. Because the baby is due in less than 10 weeks we decided it would be best for me to stay in Florida until I give birth and afterwards move to St. Louis. You can read more about it here:
As you can see in the picture Dora was more than ready to go, she got in the car while Brandon was packing it. She LOVES road trips! Who knew?
In the mean time I am keeping myself busy by reading, researching, taking classes and shopping. Being a new mom is no joke, so many things to learn and prepare for. I am excited for the next couple of weeks.
How far along? I am now 31 weeks
How big is the baby? Week 30 was a cucumber
Sleep: I finally gave in and bought the full body boppy pillow and I am glad I waited until now, it takes so much space. It has become my cuddle buddy while Brandon is away.
Best moment this week: My best friend/cousin was in town from Puerto Rico this past week with her husband celebrating their 1 year anniversary and we spent the entire Saturday together, lets say my heart is full.
Movement: All the time!
Food cravings: Cheese
Gender: Boy oh Boy!!!
Labor Signs: None
Pregnancy Symptoms: Hands & feet are swelling on a daily basis.
Belly Button in or out? In, all though it starting to disappear
What I miss: Being able to sleep on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: Finalizing the design for the nursary, taking classes and taking a tour of the hospital.
Upcoming appointments/events: Next appointment is a sonogram, I love those because we get to see our baby.
Milestones: We have made it to week 30! (That counts, right?)