Ileana Ileana

1 Year // Photoshoot

Of course we had to take some pictures of our little one for his 1st birthday. Here are a couple of my favorite shots.

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Ileana Ileana

Tweleve Months Old + Cake Smash

Happy 1st Birthday Elijah! ¡Feliz Cumpleaños Elias!

Our little baby is 1! Today all I could think about was how grateful I am to have Elijah our life's. I could not stop saying Thank you to God! He is boy full of joy and love and I am not sure what I did to deserve him. I leave you with a couple of shots from his cake smash session. The boy loves cake!

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Ileana Ileana

Eleven Months Old

We are just one month away from celebrating his first birthday. I think I am still in denial, I have to keep reminding myself that its just a couple of weeks away. He has grown so fast, it was just the other day when I was leaving the hospital with him and now I am loosing my breath trying to catch up to his level of energy.

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Ileana Ileana

Ten Months Old

I have to say, I never thought my life would change the way it did 10 months ago. Not only did this little guy made me a mother but he has changed my whole perspective on life and made me realize what is important in life. Enjoy each day to the fullest, love and cherish the people around you and be grateful. Be grateful for all that God has given you.

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Ileana Ileana

Nine Months Old

Its getting more and more difficult to take his monthly pictures. He is constantly on the move and I love it! Here is proof that, well, this is all I could get before he decided he didn't want any more pictures taken.

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Ileana Ileana

Eight Months Old

This past month has been a hectic one. Elijah had many first times. It was his first time in a plane, first time at Trinity Church in Miami, first time in the pool, first time drinking from his sippy cup and first time standing up. He met a lot of new people and took a road trip to Miami from Tampa.

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Ileana Ileana

Seven Months Old

We have a crawling baby in the house. Its time to baby proof everything. Its wonderful just to see everything he has discovered in the past couple of days, including his toes.

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Ileana Ileana

Six Months Old

Our little baby is half way to being 1 year old. I can't believe it, he is 6 months old, time is flying. He has grown so much and able to do so many things. He is sitting up, he has started to crawl and is making some very weird/awesome noises with his mouth.

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Ileana Ileana

Four Months Old

Happy Thanksgiving from the Brinkley's!! 

This year Brandon and I have a lot to be thankful for. For Gods love, for our bundle of joy who is healthy and happy, for our families and our friends.

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Ileana Ileana

Three Months Old

This guy slept for 9 hours straight AND in his crib. We both woke up like it was our birthday. I no longer am in need of an alarm clock, I have a human one and it works so much better because when I wake up I have a little part of me looking up at me with the hugest smile that takes my morning grumpiness away. 

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Ileana Ileana

Two Months Old

The advice I got from many mothers once they new I was expecting was sleep when the baby is sleeping, house chores can always wait. At first I thought that I could do it all. Ha! Well, jokes on me because Elijah only sleeps on me or Brandon. He doesn't do the swing for more then 5 minutes and forget about the bassinet. He loves the body warmth and security that our bodies bring. I thank God though he is like this, because I am getting the rest my body needs and it has kept me sane. This month has been all about balancing whats important and I am grateful for a husband that has taken care of the house chores and us. 

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Ileana Ileana

Welcome to the World, Elijah Rey!

We are so excited to announce the arrival of our baby boy, Elijah Rey Brinkley. Our bundle of joy has arrived and we could not be happier. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers the last couple of days. 

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Brandon Brinkley Brandon Brinkley

I'll See You Soon - 30 Days Till



I packed this onesie for you before I left for Missouri 5 weeks ago. Actually, I believe this was the last thing Ileana and I bought for you together. I can't say how much I miss you, kicking me every time I put my ear to Ileana's belly...ah you little runt.

Today marks exactly 30 days till you get here. I get these random moments where I say "I can't believe I'm going to be a dad"...brings a smile to my face every time.

Lets be honest, and I must brag, I have the most awesome example on how to be a dad...your Pa-Pa. My dad got this book as a gift a few years ago. And yesterday he handed it down to me. I skimmed through it and wow, its filled with loads and loads of wisdom. I'm starting to read this now to get ready for whats ahead. It will be with me in my backpack or on my desk everyday. Someday, when your old enough to get married and someday have a child I will pass this along to you. Until then, lets learn life (and Spanish because your mom would love that) together and live out what God has in store for us.

I'll see you soon.

Love dad


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Brandon Brinkley Brandon Brinkley

Recap Week 30

This past week was one of a lot of changes. One, we made it to week 30, our baby boy is growing and healthy and I thank God for that. Second, as Brandon announced last week through IBcreates blog, he was offered a job in St. Louis and we decided this was the best step for our family at this time. Brandon and our dog Dora left to St. Louis on Sunday and made it safely to St. Louis on Monday. Because the baby is due in less than 10 weeks we decided it would be best for me to stay in Florida until I give birth and afterwards move to St. Louis. You can read more about it here:

Dora in the car copy.jpg

As you can see in the picture Dora was more than ready to go, she got in the car while Brandon was packing it. She LOVES road trips! Who knew?

In the mean time I am keeping myself busy by reading, researching, taking classes and shopping. Being a new mom is no joke, so many things to learn and prepare for. I am excited for the next couple of weeks.


How far along? I am now 31 weeks

How big is the baby?  Week 30 was a cucumber

Sleep: I finally gave in and bought the full body boppy pillow and I am glad I waited until now, it takes so much space. It has become my cuddle buddy while Brandon is away.

Best moment this week: My best friend/cousin was in town from Puerto Rico this past week with her husband celebrating their 1 year anniversary and we spent the entire Saturday together, lets say my heart is full.

Movement:  All the time!

Food cravings: Cheese   

Gender: Boy oh Boy!!!

Labor Signs:  None

Pregnancy Symptoms: Hands & feet are swelling on a daily basis.

Belly Button in or out? In, all though it starting to disappear

What I miss: Being able to sleep on my stomach

What I am looking forward to: Finalizing the design for the nursary, taking classes and taking a tour of the hospital.

Upcoming appointments/events:  Next appointment is a sonogram, I love those because we get to see our baby.

Milestones: We have made it to week 30! (That counts, right?)




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Brandon Brinkley Brandon Brinkley

Update, Recap week 23-24 & Glucose Test


Well, the Brinkley's are moving, again, lol! I think we've become an expert on moving and just for this reason I have been documenting this whole move and will be posting a blog just about packing and how to handle a move while pregnant and I may include some cute checklists as PDF's for you'll to download.

With that being said, please pray for us. Moving can be quite stressful but moving and that is a whole 'nother thing! You cant pack like you use to...being pregnant and all. On top of getting tired quicker than normal, my hands start swelling when I stand for a long period of time. But on the bright side, my belly is not that big yet, so I can still move up and down with little to no difficulty. I have been very grateful for that!

As for the update on #babydash, he is one healthy baby. So far he has been moving a lot more and the kicks are getting stronger as the days goes by. This experience is definitely one that I can not take for granted. Very grateful that I get to experience it all of this! We have finally picked his name and will be reveling it next week!!


This past Thursday, I had the glucose test done. Thank God that is over. I was really intrigued on what the juice was going to taste like. It actually wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I got the orange flavor bottle and it tasted like orange soda gone bad. Ha! I had 3 minutes to take it and had 2 nurses looking at me the entire time....a bit awkward. After an hour of waiting, the nurse drew blood and that was it, not bad at all. If there's any abnormalities with my results, they will give me a call to take another test; but this time for 3 hours instead of 1. If all is well then I will not get a call and we are good to go. Let's pray I don't get that call.

How far along?

How big is the baby?  Week 23 he was the size of a Grapefruit and at week 24 he was the size of Cantaloupe

Sleep: I can finally say that I am getting used to sleeping on my side, all though I still wake up in the middle of the night with a numb arm

Best moment this week: Feeling #babydash move more

Movement:  Its more consistent

Food cravings: Still Chocolate Milk and Cheese 

Gender: Still a Boy!!!

Labor Signs:  None

Pregnancy Symptoms:  When I walk for long periods of times my hands start swelling.

Belly Button in or out? In

25 weeks, but we are recaping 23 & 24

What I miss: Nothing

What I am looking forward to: Seeing our baby boy next week through the sonogram.

Upcoming appointments/events:  Next appointment is to check on his spine since last time the technician could not get a good measurement due to the way he was positioned.

Milestones: Glucose test done!

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Brandon Brinkley Brandon Brinkley

week 22

Week 22 Recap

How far along? I am 22 weeks.

How big is the baby?  The baby is the size of an Grapefruit

Sleep: I miss it.

Best moment this week: Brandon felt the baby move!! It was really settle but still he felt the baby.

Movement:  Its more constant

Food cravings: Chocolate Milk and Cheese 

Gender: Boy!!!

Labor Signs:  None

Pregnancy Symptoms:  When I walk for long periods of times my hands start swelling.

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Nothing

What I am looking forward to

Upcoming appointments/events:  Next appointment will be to do the glucose test. Not looking forward to drinking that nasty stuff, but anything for our baby.

Milestones: We have decided on a name!!!

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Brandon Brinkley Brandon Brinkley

1st pair of nikes

Today was gender day.

Very pleased to announce that by Mid-August our 1st born will be a BOY!!!

The Brinkley name shall live on!!


Thanks for your prayers earlier today, you know who you are!​​


To celebrate, we bought our baby boy his 1st pair of Nikes.

So overjoyed right now! Can't wait to see our beautiful son!!!​

​You too can share in the excitement by downloading the wallpaper similar to what you saw earlier in the post:









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Ileana Ileana

week 19

How far along? I am now 20 weeks pregnant. We are at the half way point!! :) 

How big is the baby?  The baby at 19 weeks was the size of a yummy mango!

Sleep: Same as it has been for the past couple of weeks, numb arm and bathroom breaks, last night was 3.

Best moment this week: Cant really think of anything for week 19.

Movement: It has been on and off.

Food cravings: Chocolate Milk :)

Gender: Not yet... In 1 week we will know!!!

Labor Signs:  None

Pregnancy Symptoms:  Belly is growing!

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Nothing

What I am looking forward to: Knowing the gender of our baby

Upcoming appointments/events:  April 11!!

Milestones: We have reached our half way point, only 20 more weeks till we have our bundle of joy with us!! :)

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Brandon Brinkley Brandon Brinkley

week 17 + 18 recap

How far along? I am now 19 weeks.

How big is the baby?  At 17 weeks our baby was the size of an onion and at week 18 he/she was the size of a sweet potato.

Sleep: Has been better since I have been getting used to sleeping on my side but have been interrupted with bathroom breaks.

Best moment this week: Started shopping for maternity clothes.

Movement: It has been on and off but mostly around 9am.

Food cravings: Chocolate Milk :)

Gender: Not yet... In 2 weeks will know!!!

Labor Signs:  None

Pregnancy Symptoms:  I can now start seeing my belly grow. Its been really settle but according to books/articles/apps my belly will start growing faster now.

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Nothing

What I am looking forward to: Knowing the gender of our baby

Upcoming appointments/events:  April 11!!

Milestones: I can't really think of one for this week.


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